Curriculum Vitae

Vera Whistler
Curriculum Vitae
Visual Arts
2000 - 2003 Workshops and studies in painting and sculpting at the SKVR in Rotterdam
2003 - 2011 Ceramic Art study with different masterclasses and teachers at "de Vrije
Academie" in the Hague
2007 Masterclass from Loek Grootjans at "de Vrije Academie"
Performance with 200 kilo clay at "de Vrije Academie"
2008 Performance with my paperwork at "de Vrije Academie"
Exhibition at "De Appel" in the Hague
2008 - 2010 Post-academic art study "DNA" in the Hague from Felix Villanueva
2010 Performance in "Stardust" van Piet Rogie
Performances with different materials as clay, paint, charcoal and paper at
Vrije Academie" in the Hague
Performance "Traces of Light" at "de Vrije Academie"
Exhibition at "Quartair" in the Hague
2009 Art study in Berlin; Artist in residence at "Kulturwerk des Berufsverbandes
Bildende Künstler, Berlin department, "Bildhauerwerkstatt"
2010 Exhibition at "Swan day Festival" in Berlin
2011 Exhibition at my atelier in Rotterdam
2012 Galerie Helder, the Hague
Exhibition Radboud University, Nijmegen
2013 Performance with chewing gum, SKVR, Rotterdam
in More Shami's film "Love-ism", Dansateliers, Rotterdam
Kralingse kunstroute, Rotterdam
2014 - 2015 Performance in "Schwalbe zoekt massa" tour in the Netherlands and
2014 Exhibition at Sacarest, Spain
2015 Performance in "Cycles" a video production by Miloushka Bokma
Photo session and film by Paul Sixta for Dansateliers
2016 Galerie Kralingen, Rotterdam
2017 Galerie Helder, the Hague
Kralingse kunstroute, Rotterdam
Arboretum, Rotterdam
2018 Galerie / showroom Doen, Rotterdam
2019 Gallery zone, Leiden
2019 Performance in Sacarest (Spain)
Solo exhibition in Spirit, de Groene Passage, Rotterdam
2019 Solo in Galerie / showroom Doen, Rotterdam
Solo in Atelier Cathrien Sturm, Naarden - Bussum
Galerie Maaskoe, Rotterdam
Nivonhuis, Rotterdam
Groot Atelier Weekend from Droom en Daad, Rotterdam
2019 Wintersalon Galerie Maaskoe, Rotterdam
Diversity in Art, from Karmijn, Art Rotterdam, Markthal, Rotterdam
One step beyond, at Kunstwerkt, performance and expo Schiedam
Kwetsbaar, performance and ceramics, Kunstwerkt, Schiedam
and Rotterdam
2022 Nieuwe Impuls, Kunstwerkt, Schiedam
Van fles naar kunstwerk, jenevermuseum, Schiedam
Ontmoetingen, Kunstwerkt, Schiedam
Sokkles, Kunstwerkt, Schiedam
Expo at Pulchri the Hague
Expo at Haagse Kunstkring
Expo at Arti-Shock at Rijswijk
2023 Expo Maria in Rotterdam
Expo at Pulchri The Hague
Expo at Haagse Kunstkring
Expo at Arti-Shock Rijswijk
Photoshoot for The Movers in Amsterdam
Duo expo in Galerie Kralingen in Rotterdam
2024 Solo expo at Pulchri in The Hague
Beelden in de Hof, Hofje van Nieuwkoop in the Hague
Najaarssalon Pulchri in the Hague
Klein Formaat , vitrines Pulchri in The Hague
Haagse Kunstkring : beeldentuin
Ledenexpo Galerie Arti-Shock
2009 Ceramic objects for the garden of "de Vrije Academie" initiators: Ingrid
Rollema and Hans van Lunteren
2007 Loek Grootjans, the Hague: Masterclass
2009 Rob Top: Westers Sjamanisme en de vision quest
2012 Radboud University, Nijmegen: Tentoonstellingen
Galerie Helder, the Hague: On the surface
2017 Vera Witleer, works from 2014 - 2017
2018 Vera Witleer, reprinted and augmented
2021 In the book One Step Beyond; in magazine Klei: 3dubbele keramische
vaas; in the book Van Fles naar Kunstwerkt
2022 Photo of my work selected by New Dakota, Amsterdam
Werkend lid van bij RBK, Karmijn, Kunstwerkt, Arti-Shock, Pulchri studio, Haagse Kunstkring, Franx kunstgarage.
Atelier: Pootstr 43 3034 BB Rotterdam.